These are the final days of 2020
…and it’s a Full Moon hovering above us in the night sky…and I am still asking WTF happened. For the last half of this year, I’ve been without my trusty journal to help me keep the days from blurring into each other. Being a nomad meant some downsizing in material goods that – as it turned out, were important for my mental health.
You know what was good for my mental wellbeing? The impromptu Winter Solstice Collective I hosted with some amazing bad-ass babes! Damn that nourished my soul! For too long I’ve denied aspects of myself and that is the plain and simple truth that I love connecting with other women, talking, sharing, supporting, encouraging and yes, that includes creating some magical moments.
Moving into 2021 is going to be challenging for many, if not all, of us. And I firmly believe that we can make it through to the other side…together. Always, stronger…together. The trick is to figure out how to transform this time in our lives into something we can grow into, or towards.
Now, before I start rambling into my musings again (I really should write this sh*t down in my blog, wait this is my blog), here is how I am moving into 2021:
- WORD ALCHEMY: Making time for more to write, it doesn’t matter what only that I write
- FINDING MY FREQUENCY: Pondering the job market, and how my passions can get a foothold. Feeling into my finances. Listening to what my soul needs to thrive. And generally, dancing on those edges…of my comfort zone.
- MOVE THE WAY LOVE MOVES: My movement classes are still online. Still pay-what-you-can. Still the funky playlists. Still the dumb jokes. Still the live-chats at the end of class.
- EXPLORATION ADVENTURE: I want more joy in my life. More laughter. More silliness. And more wellness.
So, I say, let this rollercoaster ride keep rollin’, let the fine print keep changing. Because there is one thing we all have! Yes, especially you: It’s called HOPE.
The power to choose. The magic to transform perceptions from the shadows into the light. We have hope…together.
May you move into 2021 with HOPE holding your hand, and your heart.
Thank you for being part of my life, and for letting me be a small part of yours.